Welcome, OH Solutions is run by Dr Michael Orton, Medical Director and Andrea Roskell-Orton, Director. Dr Orton has 25 years experience as an Occupational Health Consultant, and Andrea has 20 years experience as an Occupational Health Nurse.
We specilise in delivering Industry and Sector Specific Services, which enables us to add real value to any company needing to get their employees back to work.
We will use clear and concise fit for work strategies that reflect two important aspects:
We can deliver supportive professionally focused first class services because we understand the educational environment you work in. This includes:
Why Use OH Solutions?
All employees seen by Dr Orton Consultant Occupational Health Physician
Central Liverpool location
Absence Management
Clear concise reports enabling decisions to be made and employees managed
Advice on fitness to work
Ill Health Retirement Assessment
Dr Orton member of local government pension scheme
Appointments within 1 week
Reports issued within 4 working days at the latest
Ongoing telephone support
Dr Michael Orton
Employees are a company’s most valuable asset and the importance of keeping your workforce healthy and productive reaches far beyond the legal obligation of duty of care. By managing health and well-being, we can help future-proof organisations to perform at their best by looking after their people.